Traditional Medicine and Hydrotherapy Research Center (TMHRC)


Traditional Medicine and Hydrotherapy Research Center (TMHRC)


The ARUMS Traditional Medicine and Hydrotherapy Research Center (TMHRC) was established in 2020 as an academic research institution in order to develop research in traditional medicine and hydrotherapy through discovering and expanding knowledge, increase research capabilities at the national and regional levels and educate academic scholars.

TMHRC was officially approved by the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education in May 2020.

The most important task of the center is to document the interventional health and treatment in traditional medicine by modern medical evidence and affordable methods, as well as refining and integrating such information with the modern medicine, learn from each other, and jointly promote the human Health.


Achieving a top position in traditional medicine and hydrotherapyall over the country, region and world.


TMHRC intends to make a suitable platform to develop research in traditional medicine and hydrotherapy bycollaborating other research centersover the country and world. TMHRC tries to make and strengthen global relations through science and research.

Research interests and Goals:

  1. Efforts to develop research in the fields of traditional medicine, hydrotherapy and ethnobotany all over the country.
  2. Determining research priorities in order to produce science and conduct applied researches.
  3. Refining and updating the knowledge of traditional medicine
  4. Promote, encourage and employ researchers interested in traditional and complementary medicine and hydrotherapy
  5. Conduct collaborative research with internal and external research centers in traditional medicine and hydrotherapy
  6. Production and publication of knowledge in traditional and complementary medicine and hydrotherapy
  7. Applying the research results in clinical service delivery
  8. Trying to create collaborative networks between the research centers
  9. Educating scientific groups as well as the general publication

Facilities and capabilities

  1. Iranian traditional medicine specialized clinic in Imam Khomeini educational and medical center.
  2. Existence of mineral hot spring in Ardabil province.
  3. Existence of co-worker’s laboratories.
  4. Existence of different plant species in Ardabil province.

Contact us

Traditional medicine and hydrotherapy research center

Address:Traditional medicine and hydrotherapy research center,Imam Khomeini Educational and Medical Center in Ardabil, Shahid Noe Aghdam Street, Ardabil.

Tel: +98 (045) 31422529-31422557


Website address:


Traditional Medicine and Hydrotherapy Research Center, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran

English title of the center:

Traditional Medicine and Hydrotherapy Research Center (TMHRC)

Google Map Research Center Address:

Last Update At : 23 February 2021